Sunday, December 31, 2006


Ok Folks, from now on, there's a beer of the week!
I'll be putting it on here sometime between Friday & Sunday every week. Monday starts the new week, thus invoking the consumption and whatever beer is around at the right time, or whatever beer gives an extraordinary taste, buzz, or peace, wins the prize. Feel free to give your opinions every week and I'll see what I can do to truly name the beer of the week. This should be fun, i'm excited about it!

This week, the week of the 25th through the 31st, the beer is definitely Red Stripe!
"For over 75 years Red Stripe has embodied the spirit, rhythm and pulse of Jamaica and it's people."
Brewed & Bottled by Deshoes & Geddes Limited Kingston, Jamaica, this beer has done it for me this week. I've had a lot of different beers in my day and definitely have my consistent favorites. Until this week I probably have consumed Red Stripe twice, maybe. However, the other night when Danny & I were drinking and smoking and reading brilliant literature and trying to write our own, in my kitchen this is the beer that was being consumed. It is also the beer that has been consumed in the nights following that one.

Leave me your love, or your hate. Your opinions on this weeks beer & we'll see who wins it next week!
Happy drinking and please, drink responsibly. lol.

Grace & Peace,

Trippe Davis


Anonymous said...

fuck yea!

Matt Giesler said...

The flying saucer in Nashville has over 500 beers on tap... It would take you ten years to make every one of the "beer of the week"... Pretty sweet eh?

danielle said...

stupid. i'm still holding out for the trippe davis book club. red stripe does come in a cool bottle, however.

Anonymous said...

mmmm theres this one beer... jeese its called voodoo somethin... damn ima have to find that for ya... it does somethin too ya. :) makes me giggly