Sunday, December 31, 2006

I want this

"You see I'm trying in all my stories to get the feeling of the actual life across---not to just depict life---or criticize it---but to actually make it alive. So that when you have read something by me you actually experience the thing. You can't do this without putting in the bad and the ugly as well as what is beautiful. Because if it is all beautiful you can't believe in it. Things aren't that way. It is only by showing both sides---3 dimensions and if possible 4 that you can write the way I want to."

to Dr. C. E. Hemingway, 1925

Ernest Hemingway wrote this to his father. It is my goal in life as far as writing goes. It made me so happy to read this. I don't care if none of you can appreciate it, I'm in love with it.

-Trippe Davis

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